Consumers preferred flipcaps rather than screw caps, basically it is convenient. but some consumers pointed out pros and cons in both flip caps as well as screw caps. a product will be designed by keeping in mind these factors. this is the result of the survey.

Consumers were looking for a toothpaste thats can be easily carried while travelling . two choices were given, tubes or capsular btoothpaste. this was the end result of the polling.convenience was the criteria considered.

Poppers is a new element that is added in to the colgate kickstart which early in the morning will help the senses to react quickly and wake u up fresh and energetically from the usual habit of laziness. this was the opinion poll on the usage of poppers in toothpaste.

Some consumers found the regular tubes boring so they advised to make it little more stylish by changing the way it looks or by changing the material. some preffered regular tubes with aluminium alloys and were not ready to accept changes. this is the result of the survey done on the basis of consumers preferences based on the outlook of toothpaste product.

Three choices were given to consumers asking how would they like tgheir product to be. a normal tube, a pumping mechanism bottle like that of lotions and gels, or capsular toothpaste . these were the results of the survey in percentages. convenience and usage was the main criteria considered here.

This pie chart shows consumers preferences on three toothpaste brands - Colgate, Pepsodent and Close-Up. Various reasons like taste, price , loyalty and other reasons were the factors in making a choice of the product. Some of the consumers preferred other toothpaste brands as well. Some consumers preferred close-up because of its taste, while colgate failed in this area because people said the fluoride content is more while some said they dint bother to switch the brand because they had been using the same brand since ages.